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Aims & Objectives

Aims & Objectives

  1. To impart a broad based education to boys & girls so as to enable them, to become worthy and dynamic leaders; able to make a useful contribution to the changing conditions of this technologically advancing world.
  2. To develop the Physical, Intellectual cultural and spiritual aspects of child’s personality , so as to inculcate sobering practical and aesthetic sense in order that he / she may lead the life of a successful and worthy citizen.
  3. Individual Attention is paid to the ethical and moral training to the students in an endeavor to develop in them a sense of initiative and responsibility to teach the Value of Social Service discipline self reliance, punctuality deaulinees loyally politeness respect to seniors Courtesy to servants and the importance of Games. Physical fitness and sportsmanship while at work and play.
  4. The school aims at producing disciplined students educated in the mind , body and spirit and hence best suited to serve their motherland and best fitted to lead others by their examples.
  5. To encourage learning by providing a supportive environment for all religions with good Human Values as central to the ethos of School and its teaching.
  6. In Providing an awareness to develop faith and to cultivate the Foundation of mutual respect and responsibility.

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